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Fig. 1. An instrument
Used in the creation of music. Adaptable and extendable to work in any musical key, or in concert with external instruments and hardware.

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Lean into the journey of creation, with Endlesss...

  • A community of musicians and music lovers
  • Free, powerful apps for making and collaborating on music
  • Live social music creation events
  • A marketplace for music collectibles created in the process
  • Real-time social commerce for music
Fig. 2. A Jam
The central nervous system of a collaborative software, allowing the perception, adjustment and manipulation of any participant’s contributions.

Escape the cycle of writing, producing, marketing, release.

Music NFTs are blowing up, but the road to release is long

Meticulously craft every release
Put together and execute a marketing plan
Get accepted to gatekept platforms
Build community through social media

Start creating with Endlesss

Creation, marketing and community-building rolled into a single realtime social experience, available to all.

The End(lesss) result

  1. A live event, that we call a Jam
  2. A collection of tokens containing ‘Rifffs’ the shortform output of each contribution to the Jam — independently playable straight from their permaweb storage
Fig. 3. A Rifff
Recorded 16:15 GMT, 14th July 2022, Layer type: Bass, Creator: timexile, 80BPM, E Dorian. Owner: littlewing

Endlesss is to Sound XYZ what TikTok is to Youtube

Long form content, created offline, independently, with demanding tools
Short form content, created online, collaboratively, with powerful but accessible tools
Web 2 Video
Web 3 Audio

A new dimension for music is coming.

Fig. 4. A Live Experience
The central nervous system of a collaborative software, allowing the perception, adjustment and manipulation of any participant’s contributions.
Built on NEAR protocol
Powerful interactive collectibles
Built in Secondary and Remix royalties
Utility token for curation and more